I was doing the same thing earlier and wondered why nothing was changing.. but then I realised seeking for motivation is another way of procrastination btw you are making a big difference dude. 💯👍

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Your habits will carry you further than your feelings ever will. Amen.

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Great post, Dan! I've been working on building that self-discipline and it's hard at first, but it defintiely feels better than any temporary motivation.

I think we chase that motivation because we're running away from the fear and doubt within. That hyper-energy helps us drown out those voices but if we keep running away, we'll never grow.

Facing those fears is hard, but once you do, you're free to build consistency and self-discipline that leads to real growth.

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Great post. We need to build good habits, create a daily routine and stick to it everyday. It's the only way to get results and reach goals.

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